viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers: Week Four

Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers: Week Four Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers: Week Four:
Trust me to choose something really challenging to begin with, eh? And
'challenging' is perhaps understating the Palanquin of Nurgle now that I
think about it. The photograph above shows you how far I have got with
it at the time of writing, and with Chico ringing in and showing off his
completed hobgoblin templedog and rider, my first month is doomed to
disaster. There is simply no way that this model is going to be finished
by the end of September.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers Week 3

Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers Week 3 Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers Week 3:
It certainly was an interesting week. You see, the wife only went and
fell over and fractured her elbow causing quite a palaver in the
process... Nurgle must be pleased with the subsequent suffering she
endured as I managed to find some time yesterday to get some paint on
this month's project: the classic Nurgle Palanquin.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers: Week 2

Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers: Week 2 Realm of Chaos 80s: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers: Week 2:
Good morning all (well, it is as I type) and apologies for the lack of
posts recently, but it's been back to school with a resounding workload
increase. Subsequently I haven't done much since that last post in this
series beyond clean up a few models. As you can see in the picture, I
have my palanquin stripped and ready for painting. 
And what a task that was!

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

El Descanso del Escriba: The Generals Compendium/Manual de Campo para Gener...

El Descanso del Escriba: The Generals Compendium/Manual de Campo para Gener... El Descanso del Escriba: The Generals Compendium/Manual de Campo para Gener...: Reconozco que,hay veces,que no se parar...XD.Tras poner lo del suplemento de Escaramuzas  de WFB en la entrada anterior y pensarlo un poco,he revisado mis discos duros en el ordenador y las nubes de la red para atraer dos archivos.Que en realidad son el mismo,solo que uno en inglés y otro,en español.

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

El Descanso del Escriba: Wayne England,de Games Workshop a Avatars of War,u...

El Descanso del Escriba: Wayne England,de Games Workshop a Avatars of War,u... El Descanso del Escriba: Wayne England,de Games Workshop a Avatars of War,u...:
Hay dos ilustradores que han pasado por GW que son mis preferidos,sobre
todo,para temas de wargames,y creo que uy importantes dentro del
contexto histórico de juegos como Warhammer.Uno es Mark Gibbons y otro es Wayne England.

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

La biblioteca del Gran Nigromante: Los Señores Enanos de Leyenda

La biblioteca del Gran Nigromante: Los Señores Enanos de Leyenda La biblioteca del Gran Nigromante: Los Señores Enanos de Leyenda: Hace poco que me he puesto a pintar enanos, y como bien me hizo notar The Dark Painter resulta que Josef Butterflanks tiene unas cuantas joyas en sus maletines. En concreto he tenido el placer de pintar a Lastro Lupintal y al Barón, quienes han resultado ser dos de los enanos de la caja Dwarf Lords of Legend que GW regalaba a los clientes que reunieran los suficientes puntos Skulz (uno por cada diez libras que salieran de tu bolsillo). Uno de los premios que sacaron hace exactamente treinta años consistía en una caja con ocho personajes enanos, los cuales paso a presentaros con su respectivo aunque escaso trasfondo.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Confessions of a 40k addict: Otty's Inquisition force

Confessions of a 40k addict: Otty's Inquisition force Confessions of a 40k addict: Otty's Inquisition force: Otty sent me a text message the other day asking if I could showcase the first completed figures of his Inquisition force. And why wouldn't I?
Aside from the fact I'm desperate for some new content Otty is an amazing painter and converter. He's been alluding to this mythical army for the last couple of years [speaks the one who has 20 year old figures that have just been painted, although this does contain miniatures of equal history] and finally here they are:

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Plástico y Metal: Tecnosacerdote del Mechanicum

Plástico y Metal: Tecnosacerdote del Mechanicum: La figura que muestro hoy es un Titan Techpriest que lanzó Forge World hace bastantes años. Por entonces no había apenas minis del Mechanicus,
así que me la pillé compulsivamente y, como siempre, me he tirado varios años hasta pintarla.

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Realm of Chaos 80s : A Warhammer Bestiary: Slann

Realm of Chaos 80s : A Warhammer Bestiary: Slann Realm of Chaos 80s : A Warhammer Bestiary: Slann: Ahh, proper Slann. Nothing says old school Warhammer like proper Slann. You may well be wondering what I mean by this, as the Slann have been a stalwart of the game for a great many years. Its because these days the slann are relegated to fat frog spell casters. But there was a wild time when an entire army of the frogmen could be fielded en mass. Unlike some of the other races in the WFB3 rulebook, the Slann background section is very well fleshed out, and this is most likely due to their appearance in previous supplements, most notably - the Magnificent Sven. After reading the entry I realised that I had erred in my paint job, as I had included gold metallic parts on my Slann and it seems use of metals is very rare.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Realm of Chaos 80s : Doom Brothers or the Brothers Grim?

Realm of Chaos 80s : Doom Brothers or the Brothers Grim? Realm of Chaos 80s : Doom Brothers or the Brothers Grim?: I expect that some of you well be familiar with these models. The pop up quite regularly on eBay though they are a rare sight painted. Though that will change as both models will be seeing the attentions of my paint brush this weekend.

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