- Basecoat with Delta Ceramcoat (DC) Black.
- Paint red areas with GW Khorne Red.
- Wash the recessed areas with GW Agrax Earthshade.
- Touch up with Khorne Red.
- I painted the gold using GW Warplock Bronze, Brass Scorpion, and a final highlight of Runelord Brass (Only Warplock Bronze shown here).
- The leather pouch was done using DC Burnt Umber highlighted with DC Bambi Brown.

And the final details:
- Rope basecoated with DC Purple and highlighted with Deep Lilac.
- Parchment painted with DC Ivory and washed with Agrax Earthshade. (I used to use Gryphonne Sepia which looked much better than the Earthshade does. I'm going to try the new sepia wash next time). I added the writing using an XS Faber-Castell artist's pen.
- The black armour and banner highlighted with CD Carcoal, followed by Wedgewood Blue.
- The red areas were highlighted with GW Mephiston Red.
- The face was basecoated with DC "AC Flesh" followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade and highlighted again with AC Flesh. Finally, I added watered down GW Carroburg Crimson.
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