martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Adeptus Painter: Tutorial de Ensuciar Orugas y Tanques

Adeptus Painter: Tutorial de Ensuciar Orugas y Tanques: Bueno, tras darle a los pigmentos, ya está listo. Lo primero es tener las orugas en la matríz, ya que luego es muy difícil hacer el proceso con ellas montadas. Lo mejor es dejar uno o dos agarres en el lado del que las orugas irán hacia adentro y limar bien la zona de fuera. También hay que preparar un botecito con una mezcla de Matt Medium (Vallejo) y agua destilada.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

El Descanso del Escriba: Los primeros de la clase

El Descanso del Escriba: Los primeros de la clase: Con el paso de los años y las ediciones,muchas minis han hecho el camino de pasar de ser de metal a ser de plástico.Raros son los casos de algo que ha hecho el camino inverso,pero haberlos,los hay.Uno de esos casos es el de los marines de plaga que tenían en 2ª ed parte de su gama en plástico(pese a ser la mayoría de metal) y a dia de hoy son de metal con algunos componentes de plástico(y creo ya que ni eso).

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Dry Earth Bases Tutorial

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Dry Earth Bases Tutorial:           This post is going to be a semi product review with a cool tutorial that I have prepared for you guys. Lately I came across a product in my local art supply shop. Facetten-Lack Croco Crackling Colour by Viva Decor . It's a "structural paint", it means that it takes a certain structures after it dries. In case of this one the structure is an imitation of a cracked ground surface. The cracks depend on how thick the layer of the paint is but Ill get to that later. It comes in many colors but as a small scale mini painter I prefer it white because I'm going to paint it anyway.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Painting the ancient and the rare...

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Painting the ancient and the rare...: OK folks, this is a set of very old (and, I am told, very rare) miniatures from the old Citadel range called Pan Tangeans.  Obviously, these were not the most detailed sculpts ever made.  They were not the easiest figures to paint, that's for sure...

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Desert Sand Dunes

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Desert Sand Dunes:          Hello Ladies and Gents. Today I'm going to show you how to make Desert Sand Dunes on your Wargaming Bases. To do such a thing you will require wargaming base, PVA glue, modelling sand, a piece of green stuff, some brushes and some hand cream or any other cream.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Bike weathering

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Bike weathering:           Hello fellows, wargamers, hobbyists, and miniature enthusiasts. As requested by MR.Lee I have prepared a tutorial for you on how to make your bike dirty with pigments. For this effect I used Vallejo Pigments: Brown Iron Oxide and Light Yellow Ochre.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Moon Art Studios: Lizardmen Skink Priest with Feathered Cloak

Moon Art Studios: Lizardmen Skink Priest with Feathered Cloak: Marta (moja narzeczona i drugi malarz w studiu) ukończyła właśnie swój najnowszy model Skink Priesta w pierzastym płaszczu.Model wyszedł jej bardzo fajnie, efekty możecie podziwiać poniżej!

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Dark Angels Tactical Squad

DEN OF IMAGINATION Miniature Painting Service: Dark Angels Tactical Squad:          So long since the DV set hit the stores but finally had an opportunity to splash some paint on those rins. I'm really happy about the plasma especially the heavy one. The OSL isn't too sharp but it's easily noticeable. Oh and finally a big squad on my resin temple bases, don't they look awesome ^^?

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

James Wappel Miniature Painting: One of the originals...

James Wappel Miniature Painting: One of the originals...: Here is one of the original Grey Knight terminators I had made way back when I fist started the Demonhunter army. This guy was made at the same time as the original squad of terminators that I created using regular plastic space marines.

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

En tierra de nadie: Habemus Vindicator

En tierra de nadie: Habemus Vindicator: Tras terribles y penosos esfuerzos, miles de esclavos sacrificados y varios pactos con los poderes del Caos, ¡he terminado de esculpir el Vindicator de Nurgle!

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

davetaylorminiatures: Tutorial - Making Cables

davetaylorminiatures: Tutorial - Making Cables: After my last post, quite a few people asked me about the cabling I've used on my recent Mechanicum models, and I figured doing a full post on it

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

El Arte de Warhammer 40.000: Tutorial F. I. Torretas Fortaleza

El Arte de Warhammer 40.000: Tutorial F. I. Torretas Fortaleza: Sigo con el proyecto de la Fortaleza y ahora le toca el turno a las torres armadas de las esquinas.  Para este proyecto se usó cartón ondulado de 5mm de grosor. Cortándose con cutter muy afilado se definen cuatro formas previamente trazadas en el soporte en forma de trapecio isósceles, dos de los cuales serán 1 cm menor de anchura para que a la hora de montar la torreta mida igual por los cuatro lados.

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

El Arte de Warhammer 40.000: Tutorial Batería de defensa Imperial (Parte 1)

El Arte de Warhammer 40.000: Tutorial Batería de defensa Imperial (Parte 1): Saludos! Comenzamos un nuevo year con un tutorial, y para no perder la costumbre seguiré haciendo piezas de artillería pesada hasta que me de por otra cosa jeje... Este tutorial constará de varias partes para que no se haga muy largo.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

The Sons of Dorn: Painting Pre-Heresy Death Guard

The Sons of Dorn: Painting Pre-Heresy Death Guard: As previously requested by a few readers, here is my method for painting Pre-Heresy Death Guard. After a few test models I've been pleasantly surprised how quick it is to execute.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

James Wappel Miniature Painting: It's pure chaos! Strange rocks...

James Wappel Miniature Painting: It's pure chaos! Strange rocks...: All right! Another 80 mm base insert. This time, I have to make one to match my set that I sculpted a few years ago. the set was modeled after a base that Cathy created for one of her Golden Demon entries in 2007.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Let it snow! Finishing the next apoxy sculpt rock...

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Let it snow! Finishing the next apoxy sculpt rock...: Once I had all of my rock textures pressed into the apoxy sculpt, I let that set up for a bit. I wanted some rocks that would be big enough to stick up through the snow piles, so I found the biggest ones I could and set them into the oxide paste.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Between a rock and a hard place: using real rocks ...

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Between a rock and a hard place: using real rocks ...: It's gonna be a crazy day today, so bear with me. I have a two part post here showing how I use real rocks to get rock texture. I started out years ago trying to use tools to create various rock textures. This was time consuming and not always the result I wanted. 

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Land Raider Redeemer #1

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Land Raider Redeemer #1: Here are some photos of one of the Redeemers that I used at Adepticon this year. I had loads of fun with the freehand on both of them. On this vehicle, I did some Litanies of Hate on the top side. :-) The cowlings of the flamestorm cannons presented an interesting opportunity to do a horizon line with an actual scene embedded within. I had been itching to do something like it for years!

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